Monday, June 05, 2006

i read

two reviews of that jennifer aniston/vince vaughn movie over the weekend, and both of the reviewers mentioned being jarred out of the movie when jennifer aniston walked nekkid across the screen and had bones jutting out of everywhere. i felt a little uncomfortable with the statements in otherwise boring movie reviews, but didn't really think much of it. maybe i justified it with a backlash against the unhealthy scrawniness that has infiltrated pop culture and that people are maybe leaning back to a healthier body image for women. then i read some jackass comment from this guy saying that this bit took him out of the movie, just like kiersten dunst's "cottage cheese thighs" in Bring It On. Are you kidding me? That brought it back home: women's bodies are still public property in a way that men's bodies will never be. No one is going to comment on a guy's belly or ass, save possibly the Fug Girls (Bloat Alert!), while any woman is up for discussion and dissection. all times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that, girl. The inequities are ridiculous. Not just here but all over the world. It's depressing but makes me more mad than anything.

June 15, 2006 6:50 PM  

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